Joey's Cykelverkstad


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Our Commitment to Your Privacy

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We are committed to protecting the personal information you entrust to us and ensuring its confidentiality.

Our privacy policy is designed to inform you about how we collect, use, and protect your personal data. We only collect information that is necessary to deliver superior service and that you willingly share with us.

You can rest assured that your details are not shared with third parties without your prior consent.

Collection of Information

At Joey's Bicycle Workshop, we may collect the following information, provided voluntarily by you:

  • Your email address

  • Your name (first and last)

  • Your postal address, including street, city, state, and postal code

  • Specific information relevant to our events or activities (if applicable)

Communication - Email and Postal Addresses

If you share your email and/or postal address with us, you may receive occasional updates about new products, services, or upcoming events. This is our way of keeping you informed about what's exciting at Joey's Bicycle Workshop.

However, if you later decide that you do not want to receive these messages, opting out is easy.

Just send us an email, call us, or write to us. To process your request correctly, please include your full name and address, along with any email addresses associated with your account.

This helps us to quickly find and update your information.

Accessing Your Information

Curious about what personal data we hold for you? You are always welcome to visit us and ask, or simply let us know where you would like us to send a copy of your data.

Updates to Our Policy

The digital world is constantly evolving, and so are we. We regularly review and update our privacy policy to reflect any new practices or changes in data protection. We encourage you to visit this page regularly for the latest on how we handle and protect your personal information.

Appreciation for Your Trust

Thank you for choosing Joey's Bicycle Workshop and for reading our privacy policy. We value your trust and are committed to providing you with exceptional service while respecting your privacy.

If you have any questions or concerns about our policy, do not hesitate to get in touch. We are here to help. Welcome to our community – where trust and privacy go hand in hand!